Friday, October 24, 2008

A response

I have been married now for over a year and it has been (apart from Christ) the best thing that has ever happened to me. My wife and I exchanged vows on our wedding day. It was an event, it was a celebration. We entered into what some may call a covenant.

A covenant is just a promise. And we made that promise public. I believe that baptism is the public expression of the inward change. I think just as the vows for marriage are not the same for every couple nor have they stayed the same throughout history, the central message has been clear. One man, One woman, One lifetime.

I think this is the picture God had drawn up to be a mirror of what He wants for you and me.

I don't think anyone can say who is saved and who is not, that is presuming to see the heart of man which the bible claims only God can do. What we can judge and see is a mans works and I believe Baptism is the first step of obedience in that Life.

The bible never gives any instructions on how to confess with your mouth and believe with your heart, because if you need a system for salvation you have missed the point all together and it has ceased to be personal.

A relationship with Christ is meant to be personal and like any love relationship it can not be broken down into steps. It can only be muddled and staggered through. It's our love, responding to His perfect love.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cause and Effect

Every once and a while I hear about another pastor going down in flames. And it is almost always self destruction. In fact I would say that some of the worst things that have ever happened to be were my own doing. I don't believe in Karma, but I do believe in something called "Cause and Effect"

I press start, microwave heats up my hot pocket (to unbearable temperatures)

I have seen how hypocritical the clergy can be and also how unforgiving their followers can be so be sure that I am not for pastor bashing. But when I see a pastor, or youth pastor, or music minister or any other type of person claiming to do "God's" work involved with something not above reproach, it makes me furious.

Case in point was an Evangelist who visited our town for an extended period of time. He made bold claims and I had my reservations immediately. With the way his minstry was expanding, I could only see it ending one of two ways.
1. He would be investigated for some type of fraud.
2. An immorality would become public.

He ended up having an affair and filing for divorce.

My first thought is "How could you be so stupid?"
My second thought is "What hope is there for me, if I see studs of the faith crashing like vista?"
My third thought is "I hope my hot pocket is done"

You see, no matter how close you are with God you are still human. And we are all subjected to the same temptations and are vulnerable.

So this message is for Christians.
If you Sin, there will be a consequence.

God has not promised to bail you out.
He has not promised to reverse the consequences of your Sin
and He can not be bargained with.

Cause and Effect
Sin and Consequence

So to you Pastors and Preachers, ask yourself what you are talking yourself into and remember you will be judged more harshly for your sin.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Prayer of Restoration for my Friends

Something troubling has been on my mind for the past couple of weeks, and it's not the economy. It's not the political race to the white house. It's not work, or school or any of the usual suspects. It's the striking realization that many of my once brothers and sisters in Christ have gone astray. They have forsaken new life for the pattern of the world. It's very sad. It seems like every time I turn around another close friend has given up or given in.

I think the worst part might be is that they think that they are now free, that they are now thinking clearly. When in fact they have compromised more and more and moved the line of sin further ahead of them so they can cross it, and move it, and cross it again. All of this stems from not spending time with the Father. It comes from not setting a time and a place with God. It happens when we leave our relationship with God up to Church or our ability to understand. It happens when we stop walking wisely and stop abiding in truth. It grieves me to see so many of my friends give up on a savior who never gives up on them.

My only hope comes in the peace of Jesus. He's going to restore you friends. He will pursue you. He will understand, because He loves you and so do I.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

You love a people undeserving

A little over a year ago I was just married and left a great Church, job, community, and my friend Joe who was our Pastor We moved to Lakeland because Rachel found a job as a teacher. I had no idea that a year later I would be working full time ministry again and would find myself doing youth once again. Even more improbable, we bought our first house not even a block away from the Legacy. It just shows me that I am where I am in life not because of anything I've done or earned but because of who God is and what His plans are.

Jesus was so good at doing the will of the Father. It was his only ambition to just go where God said to go and stay where He would say to stay. I am trying to live this out and stay connected to the will of the Father above all other things. I find when I do this I am most content with any situation.

We are truly a people undeserving of His love but it's great being in the path of His love and dwelling in the will of the Father