Matthew 6:22 "The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light."
This verse has been really pressing me towards giving up more, surrendering more to God. I am beginning to see a bigger connection to my contentment with life and my willingness to do as God says. The more I submit to His principles and His word the more I enjoy my life and the more fulfilled I am. It's strange because it involves giving up the things that I think make me happy but really aren't good for me.
It's like having a soda in one hand and a glass of water in the other. The soda tastes good and makes me feel better, but the feeling doesn't last and I get more thirsty. The water on the other hand quenches my thirst and I feel better (in a different way) and the feeling lasts.
What we put in our bodies matters physically. It can make you feel good or depressed depending on what you eat. People who eat right and exercise seem to be happier and have a better attitude. I think this translates into our relationship with God as well. What we allow in our minds truly affects us. Jesus understood this when he talked about what we look at. Our senses are a gateway to our soul. And what we put in will come out.
This is why I think so many people I know that have been Christians have given up or stopped walking with the Lord. They have behaved their way out of their beliefs. And the fruit of their life reflects the attitudes of their hearts and what they have compromised on. I think deep down all people admire those who live a life of Character. People who put others first and live by faith are admirable no matter what faith they belong to. But getting there is not easy, it takes staying on the narrow path. It takes discipline, and that is what is lacking in today's Christian.
What we put in our minds will guide our life. Our eyes serve as the compass of our life in more ways than just physical direction. Andy Stanley says "Direction, not Intention determines Destination" It's so true if we look at the outcome of many events in our lives. When we planned for one thing to happen and it didn't work out the way we wanted. It's usually because the path we have chosen doesn't line up with our hearts intention. I've never known a person to accidentally love God and love people and live by faith. I have known many people who have turned away from the love of God because they took a path they never intended on taking.
What path are you on? Does your direction line up with your intention?